“What we have seen and heard we proclaim now to you.”
1 John 1:3
The importance of the Lector (or "Reader") cannot be understated and connects directly to the passage above from the First Letter of Saint John in the New Testament. At each Mass, the Lector is tasked with proclaiming the Word of God to the people, providing them not just with some ancient, antiquated text but with a passage of Sacred Scripture that remains living, meaningful, and effective in our lives to this day.
It is so critical, therefore, that all of our Lectors are ready and willing to take the time and make the effort to study and prepare for their opportunities to read at Mass so that they can most effectively share this Word in an engaging manner. This is not so that the Lector can put on a show and wow the audience but so that all those in the congregation can receive the gift of God's Word and try to understand how it is that He is trying to speak to their minds and hearts. The story of our God is the greatest story ever told, and we simply want to ensure that everyone possible has the chance to hear that story told well.
If you are interested in becoming a Lector, please contact the Parish Office. From there, we can answer any initial questions that you have about serving in this way, help schedule a time for training, and hopefully get you onto our ministry schedule.