What Is Reconciliation?
The Sacrament of Reconciliation (also often called "Confession" or "Penance") is one of the Sacraments of healing in our Church. Though this Sacrament is one that at times can make Catholics feel uneasy, nervous, or scared, in truth is is not a moment to be feared but, instead, an incredible opportunity to receive the Lord's healing, and love. Our God is truly merciful, recognizing that we are not perfect, and he simply seeks the chance to forgive us and rebuilt a loving connection and relationship with us. Reconciliation, then, is not a place of judgment or punishment but a chance to reconcile with our Lord, to have the weight of our mistakes lifted from, and to give us another chance to live well and love well once again.
This Sacrament often takes place in a Reconciliation Room or Confessional that has been specifically set aside so that those who are confessing their sins before God can do so in a private way. The sense of privacy and confidentiality allows the person confessing his or her sins to feel comfortable enough to fully and openly open up to God. Though there is a basic process that most Catholics follow, the truly important aspects of the Sacrament are simply that the person has taken the time to examine his or her life and conscience, that any sins which have been committed are honestly confessed, and that he or she is truly sorry for having committed them. As long as this is the case, one can be assured that our loving God will offer his mercy and forgive those sins.
While the key aspect of the Sacrament is that the individual is confessing their sins directly to God, the priest is present to listen to a person's confession, possibly offer some thoughts or advice, and to pray the formal "Prayer of Absolution." Through this prayer, it is God himself who offers his mercy, cleanses the soul of a penitent (the person confessing his or her sins), and forgives his or her sins.
Reconciliation at Our Churches
If you are interested in coming to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, you can CLICK HERE to head over to the Confession Times page of our website to find out when Confessions are offered. You can also click on the "Mass Times" button at the bottom of the page, which also provides information about Confessions.
If none of the times offered will work for you, please don't worry! If you contact your Parish Office, we can find a time to set up a Confession that works for both you and one of our priests. If you think that you would like a more extended opportunity to both confess your sins and to have a conversation with the priest about those things or life in general, you can certainly call to set up that kind of appointment as well.
Finally, if it's been a while (maybe even since your first Confession), please don't be scared or nervous. It's such a blessing to have people come back to Confession and be able to receive God's forgiveness after a long time away. If you need a quick refresher, CLICK HERE to find a simple "Guide to Confession" that will remind you how it all works. Also, just let the priest know that it's been a while, and he can help you work your way through this wonderful Sacrament.