Opening doors...
Greeting parishioners....
Assisting with seating...
Securing gift bearers...
Taking up the collection...
Handing out bulletins...
Sharing the love of Christ!
In our churches, Ushers truly take on a number of tasks and are asked to serve in a variety of ways before, during, and after our liturgies. It's an engaging job and one that's important to the successful completion of all of our liturgies.
This is why having a team of Ushers at each Mass can be such a helpful and important thing, allowing those who are present to work together to fulfill and successfully complete all of these roles. The presence of this kind and welcoming team of individuals can truly make a different in a person's experience of our churches, especially if they are a visitor or might be new to the Catholic Church.
If you are interested in becoming an Usher, please contact the Parish Office. From there, we can answer any initial questions that you have about serving in this way, put you in contact with the best individuals to help you begin this wonderful ministry, and hopefully get you onto our ministry schedule.