Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood
Heavenly Father,
You have created us for a definite purpose.
Grant us the grace to know the path
You have planned for each of us in this life
and to respond with a generous “Yes."
Make my parish, my home and my heart
fruitful ground for Your gift of vocations
to the priesthood of Jesus Christ.
May our young men respond to Your call
with courage and zeal.
Stir among them a desire and the strength
to be good and holy priests.
We make our prayer for priestly vocations
to You, Father, in the Holy Spirit,
through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, Patron of our Archdiocese, pray for us.
Blessed Michael McGivney, pray for us.
Recognizing a critical need for an increase in the response of young men to God's call to the Priesthood, on the weekend of November 19/20, 2022, Archbishop Leonard Blair asked that a letter be read at all churches asking the people of the Archdiocese of Hartford to commit themselves to praying this Prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood. Begun the following weekend, these words are proclaimed in our churches following Masses, during Holy Hours, and in other special moments of prayer for vocations. This prayer has continued under Archbishop Christopher Coyne in the hopes of inspiring more men to earnestly consider the Priesthood as a real and meaningful vocation God is calling them to.